Journey into EduverseMart

At EduverseMart, we orbit
around a singular mission

Revolutionizing education by uniting innovative resources and collaborative expertise. Our cosmic journey empowers institutions with a universe of solutions, fostering a brighter future for development.


Every great story begins with a vision, and ours was clear from the start – to create a platform that transforms how educational institutions access the resources they need. Founded in 2022 and incorporated in 2024, EduverseMart began as a simple idea to bridge the gap between the vast world of educational suppliers and the diverse needs of educational institutions.

The Early Days

Our journey began in a small office with a dedicated team passionate about education. We started by understanding the challenges faced by Schools,colleges and coaching institutes in procuring educational materials. The complexities, the time-consuming processes, and the lack of transparency in traditional procurement methods were all barriers we aimed to break down.

Turning Point

The breakthrough came when we launched our first prototype – a user-friendly digital marketplace. It was the first step in a long journey of innovation. We listened to feedback from early users, both educators and suppliers, and continuously improved our platform. Our goal was always clear: to make educational procurement as simple and efficient as possible.

Growth and Expansion

As we grew, so did our network. We on boarded a diverse range of suppliers, from local artisans providing unique educational crafts to major distributors of high-tech classroom equipment. Our catalog expanded, offering everything from basic classroom supplies to advanced learning tools.


Today, EduverseMart stands as a leading online marketplace for educational resources. We've empowered countless educational institutions by providing easy access to a vast selection of high-quality products. But more than that, we've created a community – a space where educators and suppliers come together to share, learn, and grow.

Looking Ahead

Our journey is far from over. The landscape of education is constantly evolving, and so are we. We continue to innovate, expand our reach, and uphold our commitment to empowering education. Join us as we pave the way towards a smarter, more connected educational future.

At EduverseMart, we’re more than just a marketplace – we’re a partner in education.
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Our Vision

Envisioning a Future Where Education Knows No Boundaries

At EduverseMart, our vision is to create a world where every educational institution, irrespective of its size or location, has seamless access to the widest range of high-quality educational resources. We aspire to break down the barriers in educational procurement and supply, making the process not just easier, but more transparent, efficient, and inclusive.
We see a future where the procurement of educational tools is an empowering experience for educators, enabling them to choose from a plethora of options that best suit their unique teaching needs. Our platform is more than a marketplace; it’s a catalyst for educational transformation, fostering innovation, creativity, and learning in classrooms around the globe.

Core Values

Customer-Centricity: At the heart of’s operations is a deep commitment to customer satisfaction. This value is about understanding and addressing the unique needs of each educational institution and supplier. It involves actively seeking customer feedback, adapting services to meet these needs, and providing responsive and helpful customer support.

Innovation and Adaptability: values staying ahead of the curve in terms of technology and market trends. This means continually evolving the platform with innovative features that make the procurement process more efficient and adapting to the ever-changing landscape of the education sector.

Integrity and Transparency: Operating with integrity is fundamental to This involves conducting business with honesty, maintaining transparency in pricing and product descriptions, and building trustful relationships with customers and suppliers. This value ensures that all stakeholders feel confident and secure in their transactions on the platform.

Collaborative Growth: is committed to fostering a collaborative environment where both educators and suppliers can grow together. This value emphasizes the importance of partnerships, community engagement, and shared success. It’s about creating a platform that serves as a hub for mutual advancement in the field of education.

Our Mission

At EduverseMart, our mission is to empower educators and educational institutions with the tools they need to inspire  and nurture the next generation of learners. We are dedicated to providing high-quality, innovative, and accessible educational supplies that enhance the teaching and learning experience for all.

Through our commitment to excellence and customer satisfaction, we aim to be the preferred partner in educational procurement, supporting the growth and success of institutions worldwide.

Testimonial videos

Core Team

Vishal Bhalla

Vishal Bhalla
Founder & CEO

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Vishal Pratap
Co-founder & CTO

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Akshay Pradhan
Co-founder & CBO

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Bharat Mishra
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Mansi Asrani
HR & Admin Head

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